Salon services of all types
Looking for Service? The hours posted reflect when the receptionists are on duty. Each beauty specialists are independently booking. Please see our website contact information. Looking To Join The Posh Team? Potential tenants will receive a free onsite tour of our facility and during the tour we will go over the different types of equipment available in each suite. When renting with us you will receive a front desk receptionist to help direct clients to your suite Monday - Saturday and unlimited access to our coffee bar, break rooms and washer and dryers. Each suite comes furnished with all the equipment needed to help you become successful. Posh offers the lowest rent in the area for Private Suites and Chairs, the rent hasn't increased for our tenants in over 8 1/2 years. There is No added expenses like a deposit when you move in as a Tenant at Posh Salons! Management is available when you need us. We are here to help!