Peace Out Body Lab began in 2016 in growing small town outside of Austin, Texas. Originally known as Peace Studios in a 100 square foot incubator space in Taylor, Texas that soon expanded into a much larger massage and yoga studio. It was an intimate space above a beautiful art gallery that accommodated up to sixteen yogis with a separate room for working with my massage clients. It was perfect. In July of 2019 an unfortunate event occurred where I was rear-ended by a car traveling at a high rate of speed. I didn't know if or when I would work again. I decided to close my studio. I reopened as Peace Out Body Lab in 2020 in Taylor, Texas. That studio has now relocated to Prosper, Texas and once again is back in an incubator space. This brand-new studio space is located in Lux Salon Suites with many other self-care businesses. What is an Incubator Space you ask?
Pain is your body's way of letting you know that something is wrong. It is a signal asking you to pay attention and to make a change. Masking it or ignoring it will only lead to bigger and louder symptoms.Specializing in therapeutic techniques that heal not only acute injuries, but even the most stubborn chronic ones. Do you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis (foot pain/difficulty walking), Sciatica (hip, butt, leg, foot pain/numbness), or Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (neck/shoulder pain)?Let's get started on relieving your pain today!