Counselor for people who are experiencing grief, depression or long term illnesses. People normally presume that grief is the healing period after a friend or loved one has died. However, grief can result from other matters such as retirement, changing professions, moving, loss of body function or long term illness such as Parkinson Disease. There are serious phases of grief and they do not necessarily follow each other sequentially. Normally, the phases of grief are normal. The problem arises when a person feels they are stuck in one phase. In any case, a person who is grieving should have the opportunity to talk to another individual. A part of grief can be depression. Whether an individual uses a prescription or not, he or she can benefit from counseling. Depression is normal at times. If a person does not get an expected promotion, that person would expect to be depressed. However, when that depression interrupts activities or persists, then action by the individual such as counseling is called for. Many people have experienced abuse. I have read that one in four people in a relationship are abused. Eighty percent of the time the survivor is female. Abuse of the aged was listed at about ten percent. Children who hear the abuse of a parent will remember this in detail for their entire lives. Any abuse can cause PTSD. This will affect a subsequent marriage or relationship.