NQS Inspection, Ltd. was established, as a Professional Quality Assurance Company in 1985. We offer a full range of inspection techniques including Radiography, Ultrasound, Magnetic Particle, and Liquid Penetrant. Our ultrasonic capabilities were enhanced in 1997 to include all main techniques of AUT including Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Phased Array. Recently we added Computed Radiography (CR).Although NQS offers call out services to a few chosen customers, our main focus and goal is to provide turnkey inspection support to major construction projects. We have the ability to supply all of your inspection and/or quality assurance needs which include UT, RT, CRT, MT, PT, CWI, AUT and all required equipment. We provide qualified inspection teams to handle all your needs for the term of the project.Our Computed Radiographic (CR) system allows us to perform radiography with much weaker sources and not increase the exposure time. It also provides a much safer environment to work in and around. Production actually increases because of more time for exposures in the field with no wet time in the dark room.