Come inside and find a seat at our bar or at a table in our sections. Choose from our extensive selection of cognacs, specialty cocktails, and martinis. Find something that suits your palate perfectly while meeting someone new or connecting further with someone special. When we say Motel Supreme Martini Bar is a place for everyone, we mean it and we can't wait for you to join our community of friends.
Motel Supreme Martini Bar truly is a place for everyone. They'll come inside and find a seat sometimes in a chair at our bar or at a table in our sections. Then they'll choose a from our extensive selection of cognacs, specialty cocktails, and martinis, finding something that suits their palate perfectly. As they sip they can meet someone new or connect further with someone they're already close with. So when we say Motel Supreme Martini Bar is a place for everyone, we mean it and we can't wait for you to join our community of friends.