This is a family project, a vision dreamt up and created by Bridget and with the support of her family and friends brought to fruition. Mahala Avenue House, is named after her mother. Together, we have all worked hard to create something powerful that uplifts and supports our community and strengthen the lives of women and girls.
Offering a safe and sober living house for young ladies and women. Counseling available, one hot meal, limited transportation, resource center, & job placement assistance. At Mahala Avenue House, our purpose is to provide structured and stable environments for women recovering from the disease of addiction. We set the highest standards of care to enable personal growth, a foundation of development for long term recovery, and improving the quality of life while becoming a productive member of society. Our objectives are to: - Provide stable and safe long-term transitional living - Maintain a high level of care for women and girls - Offer comprehensive support and strong sense of community - Provide life coaching, mentoring, and job placement services.