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West Texas Birth Service
Dawn Cockrell, LM, CPM, Midwife Attended Birth at Home, The Safe Gentle Motherly Alternative for Maternity Services. Midland Midwife for west Texas Midwives, Pregnancy and Birth, Homebirth Midwife and Childbirth services- West Texas Birth Services Midland Texas- Odessa Texas New Mexicoand the President of West Texas Birth Services, welcomes you and invites you to enjoy our website, as it was created with you in mind. We look forward to answering your questions about your pregnancy, your baby's birth and the exciting journey you're taking! We are proud to serve Midland / Odessa Texas ( TX ), and surrounding cities of west Texas and southeastern New Mexico.Throughout our site you will find information about our services, including a Midwife Attended Birth, Waterbirth, Natural Childbirth, and our Birth at Home service ( Homebirth ), as well as a rich variety of carefully selected educational information on Pregnancy & Birth, Benefits of a Licensed Midwife ( LM ), Benefits of a NARM Certified Professional Midwife ( CPM ), the way to have a safe, motherly alternative for maternity services, and many other helpful resources for consumer education about Childbirth and Midwife services.When a birth is at home, it becomes the intimate, private, natural process it's meant to be. Birth as a medical process in a medical facility creates little privacy or family decision making, and takes away many choices families later wish they had the freedom to make. Birth is a natural process, not an illness needing hospitalization. Giving birth at home allows mother and baby to bond as soon after birth as possible. This gives the baby the best chance for physical, emotional, and mental health. For all women without any serious medical complications during pregnancy, home birth is perfectly safe. Most importantly, the mother will be in control as a partner in her care, assisted by someone she knows- her midwife.With West Texas Birth Services, your Licensed and Certified Professional Midwife follows the Midwives Model of Care This approach is unlike using traditional obstetric care, in that it is family-centered and focuses strongly on the mother's wellbeing as an important factor in a good birth outcome. Mothers move around, change positions, relax in a warm waterbirth pool, and describe their birth experience as less painful and less stressful. In fact, they say it is the Family Event it should be.Many women wonder why they are not informed by their doctor about the option of a midwife. This is typically due to the disinformation common in the United States, much of which originates from ACOG and the AMA ( trade unions representing the financial and professional interests of obstetricians and physicians ). For an example of this type of disinformation, read this article by Henci Goer: The Assault on Normal Birth: The OB Disinformation Campaign and this recent news post on The Medical Establishment's Ridiculous Opposition to HomeBirths. Of course, there are a few rare medical conditions that would require the care of a high risk specialist ( for some examples of these see our Frequently Asked Questions - Question #11 ). Nevertheless, studies upon studies have shown that planning a Midwife Led home birth with a Certified Professional Midwife is a great choice if you want to avoid unnecessary medical intervention. Midwives are experts in supporting the physiological birth process: monitoring you and your baby during labor, helping you into positions that help labor progress, protecting your pelvic parts from damage while you push, and "catching" the baby from the position that's most effective and comfortable for you - hands and knees, squatting, even standing - not the position most comfortable for the healthcare provider. When healthy women are supported this way, over 95% can give birth safely, with little or no intervention at all.Many of the benefits of your Midwife maternity care begin with your prenatal visits. For example, your prenatal appoin