As I started homeschooling my children and I became more aware of the toxicity that lingers in our home. This inspired me to experiment with natural homemade solutions to all of our household needs. Making all natural home products was fun it just wasn't where my heart truly lies. Personally, I know the struggles that mothers deal with when trying to balance self care and caring for little ones. It's hard to put yourself first and I understand this on a personal level so I created Liano Naturally to actively help other moms take back their wellness. Now Liano Naturally is ready to help clients take charge of their health and wellness!
Liano Naturally is a Traditional Naturopathy practice that helps women, especially mothers, improve their quality of life through all natural holistic health solutions. Naturopathy focuses on the assessment of habits, diet, lifestyle choices, sleep patterns, etc. And giving suggestions for supplements, creating customized herbal remedies, and providing accountability to help clients make the changes they need to live happier, healthier lives! Our services are designed to positively impact our clients' health, environment, and wallet.