Houston San Shin Kai is a traditional Japanese sword school located near downtown Houston, Texas, with a mission to offer serious study opportunities in traditional Japanese sword arts such as Iaido, Battōjutsu, and Kenjutsu. Rooted in centuries-old practices, the school follows the teachings of Mitsuzuka Takeshi Sensei, a direct student of Nakayama Hakudo Sensei, tracing back over 400 years to the legendary swordsman Hayashizaki Minamoto no Shigenobu.
As the only official dojo in Texas representing the North American San Shin Kai, Houston San Shin Kai emphasizes the importance of checking ego at the door, practicing with intensity and fun, and understanding that the value lies in the continuous process of learning rather than achieving perfection. Prospective students are encouraged to reach out to the instructor for more information on joining this enriching journey of lifelong study in traditional Japanese martial arts.
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