In 2003 our 1st headstone was made for a family member, I ran into so many issues like writing different language on the headstone, then dealing with the cemetery sales person that have no experience or any artistic talent..... I contact my family back in India, which our relative own a big part of a granite quarry. That's how Headstone World is born. I know the cost and so much mark up in the funeral home, I had saved so much money for the families that had purchased from us. I love and appreciated all moments I had spent with the families while design the Headstone for their love one.
Headstone world manufacturing locate in Houston, TX, we offer headstone and Bronze marker at a wholesale price direct to the public.. We design and do all the work here at our facility, you can design any style of headstone for your love one without a big mark up in price. We made headstone affordable for you.