Formed in 2009 by two women who shared a vision of creating an experience that would promote healing, without the confines of traditional western medicine, Graceful Branches has been evolving through a few locations. Through the use of muscle therapy and acupuncture, we help the body to harness its own energy to heal from within.
We accept HSA and FSA for massage and acupuncture. We specialize in Therapeutic Massage for structure, Clinical Massage, Swedish Massage, Lomi Lomi, MLD Facial Cupping Massage, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. **Therapeutic Massage for structure balances muscles throughout the body relieving pain, promoting good posture and ease of movement. This advanced, non-painful technique is powerful, yet gentle enough to be used on everyone at any stage of life. **Clinical Massage and Swedish Massage are also available for a more traditional deeper or lighter massage respectfully. **Traditional Acupuncture restores balance to the body's energy and is supplemented with Chinese herbs to correct deficiencies or over-abundances in the body. Acupuncture is excellent for pain, fatigue, chronic or seasonal ailments, and much more. **MLD Facial Cupping massage improves lymph flow, facial muscle tone, and reduces tension. Get MLD Facial Cupping for pictures, interviews, special occasions, or just for some