Elite Martial Arts was founded by Raymond Hsu in an effort to create a positive learning environment where where students are encouraged to develop their self-confidence, mental strength and physical coordination.
Our After School Taekwondo program is an exciting, challenging and well-structured martial arts class, coupled with a safe, nurturing and positive learning environment. While your child spends his or her after school time with us, you can expect them to learn self-confidence, focus, respect for self and others, commitment, concentration, perseverance and good manners. These skills are not only important in the marital arts studio, but also valuable tools for other areas of their lives. Our After School Program is action packed! We specialize in teaching Olympic-style Taekwondo to children, teens and adults. Our school offers a unique blend of exercise and fitness developed over thousands of years. Each of our programs focuses on individual development through each belt level, with the ultimate goal of attaining the highest rank - the Black Belt! In our After School Taekwondo program, kids spend their afternoons learning self-confidence, mastering the basics of Taekwondo, and making friends in a positive, healthy environment. We have lots of fun, too!