For the past 20 years, ARTS ALIVE! has been contributing to the success of children in ALL academic disciplines through the joyful, magical, education-enhancing power of the arts. We have taught over 66,809 students. We have held classes and workshops in over 400 area locations, utilizing a philosophy and curriculum custom built to unlock the potential of children through joy!
Arts Alive! has an innovative suite of classes for children. Each class is taught by an energetic and highly trained teacher armed with a suitcase full of intriguing props, an engaging soundtrack and the magic of Arts Alive! to provide an incredible journey of imagination. We work with schools around Houston to bring Arts Alive! Creative Movement, Yoga and Music to children. Students reap the benefits of unlocked potential, increased brain power, and tools for future success! All of these classes are offered within schools, giving children the ability to excel even further in their academic pursuits- without the hassle of parent's having to take their child to another location! Every class uses a theme as a springboard. All Arts Alive! classes utilize the magic of joy, imagination, and the arts, taking participants on a one-of-a-kind learning adventure. All Arts Alive! lessons include a wide range of skill development through purposeful play; tapping into the joy of childhood while unlocking the brain's potential.