Dr. Altman and Dr. Knowles provide many services in the office including preventive and restorative dentistry, periodontal services, smile makeovers with porcelain veneers, oral surgery, root canals, and dental night guards. The entire family can be seen at the office.Dr. Altman has 24 years of experience in dentistry. Altman Dentistry is not a family only practice but Sabrina Altman (Dr. Altman's Wife) is a dental hygienist. Dr. Knowles has worked in the practice for 13 years.
*Composite Fillings *Dental Bonding *Dental Bridge *Dental Crown *Dental Inlays *Dental Onlay *Denture Repair *Lower Dentures *Non-Surgical Gum Treatment *Porcelain Veneers *Restoration of Dental Implants *Root Canal *Root Planing *Simple Tooth Extractions *Teeth Extraction *Teeth Scaling *Teeth Whitening *Ultrasonic Dental Cleaning *Upper Dentures and more! Give us a call!