Terry Cole-Whittaker, a renowned spiritual teacher and author, has relocated to the foothills of the Canadian Rockies in Washington state, leaving California behind. With the ability to conduct counseling, teaching, writing, and mentoring work remotely, Terry is now focused on researching and sharing spiritual knowledge to liberate individuals from suffering and awaken their divine potential. Alongside her partner Michael, Terry is also organizing a vast collection of YouTube videos and exploring new ways to inspire and empower others through her teachings.
Terry emphasizes the importance of trusting one's inner wisdom and divine guidance, rather than relying on limited beliefs and opinions of others. Through phone sessions and love offerings, Terry offers her expertise in helping individuals gain control over their minds, manifest their desires, and develop a permanent state of God consciousness. Additionally, Terry's popular book, "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business," is now available in an upgraded reprint, providing readers with self-awareness strategies and tools to resolve personal conflicts and transform their lives.
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