Dr. Kenneth Tullis, a renowned author and keynote speaker, offers a groundbreaking workbook titled The Courage to Live Workbook, which serves as a companion to his book Seduction of Suicide. This innovative workbook provides a comprehensive healing process for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts and attempts, incorporating checklists, writing exercises, and reading exercises. Designed to be used under the guidance of licensed therapists familiar with suicide, addictions, and psychological trauma, this workbook has been praised by experts in the field for its practicality and insights.
With over 40 years of practice, Dr. Tullis's workbook has been described as a lifeline of hope and a detailed roadmap for choosing life, providing invaluable tools for both clients and therapists. It has been highly recommended by professionals in the field, who consider it an essential resource for those trapped in the suicide cycle. The Courage to Live Workbook is a masterfully written instrument that offers guidance and support to individuals seeking to overcome the effects of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
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