The ISE was established in Knoxville, TN in 1995 by Tagaturo Steve Klement to propagate and preserve Inayan Eskrima as taught to him directly by the founder of Inayan Eskrima, Mangisursuro Michael G. Inay (RIP).
Inayan Eskrima. Filipino Martial Arts (FMA's). Eskrima is a beautiful Martial Art that originated in the Philippines. The art has a very long history of combat effectiveness and differs from other Martial Art disciplines as the student is typically taught to train with weapons from the very start, rather than beginning with empty-hands training. Inayan Eskrima ingrains an interrelationship between weapons skills and empty-hand skills and is widely recognized in the martial arts community for its extreme practicality and effectiveness. While providing a student with solid defense skills in a relatively short period of time, it is also a complex art that can offer a lifetime of challenge and personal growth to the serious practitioner. The ISE was established in Knoxville, TN in 1995 by Tagaturo Steve Klement to propagate and preserve the Filipino Martial Art of Inayan Eskrima as taught to him directly by the founder of Inayan Eskrima, Mangisursuro Mike Inay.