FRTC has trained thousands of Law Enforcement professionals across the country and had long-term contracts to provide training to the U.S. Marshal's Service, the United States Marine Corps and other military and federal agencies across the world. Our team is comprised of highly qualified personnel with diverse backgrounds in the military, law enforcement and civilian sectors which allow us to develop innovative solutions even in a resource constrained environment. We have a long history of providing training for the U.S. Marine Corps, and FRTC was privileged to train the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in explosive entry (EET) prior to their deployment into a combat theater. We also provided Protective Services Detail (PSD) training to numerous Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs). FRTC provided Convoy Operations, PSD, and Advanced Marksmanship Training to the USMC Anti-Terrorism (AT) Battalion prior to their combat deployment.
Law Enforcement - Tactical, Medical, Firearms & Instructor Training Civilian Firearms Training