Paris Family Chiropractic Acupuncture, located in Paris, TN, has been providing comprehensive chiropractic and acupuncture care for the whole family since 2003. Led by Dr. Elizabeth Craig, who has over 29 years of experience, their focus is on healing the body and achieving optimal health, rather than just providing temporary pain relief. They offer gentle yet effective forms of manipulation, including diversified and Thompson adjustments, activator methods, and extremity adjustments.
With a belief in the importance of a properly aligned spine for overall health, Paris Family Chiropractic Acupuncture treats patients of all ages, from infants and toddlers to school-aged kids and adults. They offer specialized pediatric adjustments that are lighter in force and use techniques such as the doctor's pinky finger or an activator chiropractic instrument. Their services can help with a range of common issues, including acid reflux, colic, ear infections, headaches, poor posture, sleeping problems, and sports-related injuries.
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