Telluride Science, formerly known as the Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC), is a renowned interdisciplinary think tank founded in 1984. Situated in the picturesque town of Telluride, Colorado, this organization brings together leading scientists from around the world to convene workshops and summer schools in an inspirational setting. With a focus on molecular insights and a broad perspective encompassing quantum and cellular levels, Telluride Science fosters collaboration, breakthroughs, and new questions in the fields of physics, chemistry, energy, biomedicine, material science, and nanotechnology.
Driven by a mission to advance knowledge and discovery for the benefit of all, Telluride Science aims to set powerful new directions in science that lead to far-reaching solutions. With a history spanning nearly 40 years, this innovative center has made a significant impact in interdisciplinary research and engineering challenges. By providing an optimal environment for communication, collaboration, and creativity, Telluride Science plays a vital role in shaping the future of scientific exploration and understanding.
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