Super Sweepers, led by the talented Mike Carta, has been providing exceptional Voice Overs, Radio Imaging Services, and TV Promos to radio and TV stations of all sizes for over 15 years. With a commitment to complete customer satisfaction, Super Sweepers offers budget-friendly rates and delivers high-quality productions that are heard by over 50 million ears every week. Whether it's a produced or dry-voice project, Super Sweepers' expertise and recognizable voice have made them a go-to choice for today's top-rated broadcast stations.
With a home studio and a team dedicated to excellence, Super Sweepers covers more and more of the world every day, offering services such as Voiceover Demos, ISDN Numbers, and Voiceover Feedback. Their extensive experience and industry knowledge make them a trusted partner for radio and TV stations seeking affordable and top-notch voiceover and imaging solutions. Super Sweepers, led by Mike Carta, is a name synonymous with quality and professionalism in the world of Voice Overs, Radio Imaging, and TV Promos.
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