KD Workout is different from the cookie cutter workout program you are used to. We do not cater to the occasional, social workout crowd. What we are is a fitness training experience specifically designed to ensure your success and optimize your fitness training results. Whether you consider yourself an athlete or an average person, KD Workout has the tools and space for you. We will help you achieve your fitness goals. Each workout is tailored to your specific needs and our unique training strategies will keep you motivated and ensure you will accomplish your goals. KD Workout is designed for Functional Training. The reason for that; functional strength is a combination of all elements of fitness to produce peak performance for your specific needs. Versus using exercise machines which are designed to make workouts a little easier by controlling the variables; however, this creates a false sense of progress. Machines don't change their pattern, but muscle fibers require new challenges to improve. Functional Training goes beyond where typical fitness programs fall short. True fitness requires a combination of strength, mobility, endurance, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, body composition, appropriate rest and nutrition. KD Workout programs vary for everyone to include all fitness levels. We place an emphasis on helping our members develop a healthy lifestyle.