The Town of Chapin Police Department, located in Chapin, SC, is dedicated to serving and protecting the community. Led by Chief Thomas W. Griffin, the department is committed to maintaining public safety and enforcing the law. With a team of experienced officers, including Captain Ryan Galinski and First Sergeant T. Frick, the Chapin Police Department works diligently to ensure the well-being of residents and visitors.
Chapin Utilities Department, situated within Chapin Town Hall, is responsible for providing essential services to the community. Under the leadership of Superintendent of Public Works Anthony Andrade and Director of Utilities and Public Works Karalyn Miskie, the department ensures the reliable delivery of water and wastewater services. With a dedicated team of professionals, including Town Engineer Reynaldo Angoluan and Superintendent of Maintenance Matt Cameron, Chapin Utilities Department strives to meet the needs of the community efficiently and effectively.
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