Massage Therapy for Healing and Relaxation! For thousands of years massage was used as a healing practice. Massage reduces and manages pain, reduces stress, improves blood circulation, improves lymphatic flow, improves tissue health, relaxes muscles, improves flexibility and prevents injury.
Sports Massage Involved in a sport? Work out at the gym? Sports Massage targets specific muscle groups that are used in sports activity. Some of the benefits of sports massage are to prevent injury, improve flexibility, improve performance, relieve stress, relieve sore and stiff muscles, improve circulation of blood and lymph fluids, decrease lactic acid, flush out toxins and speed recovery. Deep Tissue Massage Do you feel tight? Deep Tissue massage uses more intense pressure and focuses on deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue using techniques that are slower in speed, but sink deeper into the tissue to lengthen, release and relax deeper layers of the body. It's a more focused type of massage that will release any chronic muscle tension or knots you may have. While it shouldn't hurt, it's likely to be a bit more uncomfortable than a classic massage. Therapeutic Massage Is there a condition that is keeping you up at night? There are over 70 conditions massage may greatly help. You may be able to relieve pain and prevent surgery with massage therapy. Some of the conditions it may help are postural dysfunctions, overuse injuries, injuries from falls and accidents, headaches, arthritis, spasms, tendinitis, bursitis, sinuses, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, hip pain, low back pain, neck pain, shin splints, sciatic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome.