Our Website provides detailed information about the history of our company. Please see the Home department and the About ABC department.
We offer advanced alternative natural healthcare education services for business employees and individuals. Our founder and president, Lonnie Willoughby, began his study of natural healthcare concepts when he was 34 years of age (1970) - many years after completing his college level education in science courses (biology, chemistry, electronics, engineering mathematics courses, and physics),. Our Websites provide information about his science education and his science oriented work with the federal government for more than 20 years. Due to his serious interest in alternative natural healthcare, he changed career fields. Our Introductory Website provides information about Lon's extensive education in nutrition, air purification equipment, water purification equipment, and exercise equipment - plus his valuable experiences with providing healthcare consultations and teaching healthcare classes. See our healthcare concepts Website for more information: www.ABCofHealth.com