AA-Alcoholics Anonymous-Of Greenwood is a renowned Christian recovery program located in Greenwood, South Carolina. Since 1966, they have been providing an 8-week residential Christ-centered and 12-Step recovery program to men and women seeking freedom from alcoholism and drug addiction. With a commitment to a culture of love and respect, they believe in helping individuals achieve sustainable recovery through faith in God and the 12-step programs of Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous.
With four campuses in Greenwood, Abbeville, and Cowpens, AA-Alcoholics Anonymous-Of Greenwood offers spacious and well-equipped facilities for their program residents. Their comprehensive in-patient residential recovery program is provided at no cost, and they have a total capacity of 135 residents. Through their unwavering commitment to their mission, they have impacted the lives of over 45,000 individuals, making them the largest Christian Recovery Program for Alcoholics and Drug Addicts in the Southeast.
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