RI Limb Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Physical Therapy is a renowned and trusted healthcare provider in Pawtucket, RI. With a rich history spanning 75 years, they are the first and oldest prosthetics and orthotics facility in Rhode Island. Their team of experienced professionals utilizes cutting-edge technology and a collaborative approach to provide personalized prosthetic and orthotic services that improve the quality of life and empower individuals to lead active and healthy lifestyles.
As a third-generation family-owned practice, RI Limb is committed to delivering exceptional care and has achieved several notable milestones in the field. They were the first facility in Rhode Island to be accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics (ABC) and the first to have a Master's level degree Prosthetist Orthotist. With a focus on patient satisfaction and overall quality, RI Limb is the leader in prosthetic and orthotic services in Rhode Island, helping individuals achieve pain-free movement, higher level function, and a greater sense of independence.
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