JB Pharmacy is a locally owned and operated independent pharmacy affilicated with HealthMart Our focus is excellent patient care and professional service. We specialize in compounding which is of utmost importance in providing patients with alternate therapy options. Our compounding specialist work closely with patients and their providers to tailor unique customized individualized medication treatments to suit the needs of both human and animal patients. Our compounding specialists are closely involved with patient follow-up and work intimately with medical and veterinary practice providers to effectively acheive positive therapeutic outcomes. We bill insurances whenever possible for compounded medications, and provide free shipping and optional delivery service. Plesae contact one of our highly trained pharmacy specialists today for information on how JB Pharmacy can assist you.
*Compounding Customized Medications *Service of Assisted Lliving Facilities *Outstanding Customer Service * 5 to 10 minute customer prescription drop off/pick-up wait times