Our journey began with the purchase of one small storage unit followed by a yard sale the following weekend along with some online ads. the first sale went pretty good, we were on to our next storage auction, before long our yard sales became a weekly event with as much inventory as many small resale stores. Our setup became large and more retail oriented, and of course very time consuming and had limitations due to time and space. fast forward a year and a half , our inventory can no longer be contained in our garage, we cant display all we have, its time to grow. the search for a physical location was long but finally a location that best met most of our needs was found. So here we are, preparing for the opening of our 9500 square foot flea market style thrift store!
Our inventory includes clothing, housewares, toys/games, electronics,outdoors/sports, tools, appliances and much more. always something different at prices less than those big national chain thrift stores! Come check us out, see for yourself!