Fred has studied the martial arts since 1992 with Tai Chi as his main area of interest. He has always had an interest in helping people maintain health and wellness. He is also a Certified Quantum Touch Practitioner and Certified Instructor, which is a natural healing modality. Fred also holds certificates in several other modalities. The combination of Mind Body Healing and Wu Yi Jie He Family System is a great benefit not only for himself but for his clients as well. Fred stresses that while a healing session can be beneficial, Tai Chi and Q iGong allows the client to participate in their own well-being. Fred continues his training with Sifu George Picard, a Four Generation Master of the Wu Yi Jie He Family System.
The Village of Healing and Wellness in Erie, Pennsylvania promotes self healing through the practice of Qi gong and Tai Chi.The Wu Yi Jie He 24 Posture Therapeutic Qigong for Health, healing and Longevity is the foundation of our healing program. This authentic system, Wu Yi Jie He (Family system of Chinese Medicine and Martial arts combined) was developed by Great Grand Master and Dr. Wang Zi Ping and Grand Master and Dr. Wu Cheng Du. It was further developed by Grand Master Helen Wu. We also teach other forms of QiGong for meditation and spiritual growth. Fred Popeski was promoted to fifth generation in the Wu Yi Jie He family. It is his belief that all healing comes from within, where the problems exist. For lasting healing to take place, an individual must take personal responsibility for their own healing. Mind body integration is necessary for significant healing to take place. Our healing model works like a bicycle wheel. Imagine this wheel, it has the hub or centre with spokes for strength and support to complete a full circle, healing. The hub or centre is you. This is where QiGong comes in. Every day you do the healing work. This is the most significant part of your healing because you are taking control of your health. This alone has tremendous healing results. . We are located in Erie, Pennsylvania. We teach both QiGong and Taiji.