Steve Rotfeld Productions Inc is a renowned TV production and distribution company based in Bryn Mawr, PA. With a rich history dating back to 1985, they have created an extensive portfolio of over 1,500 shows spanning various genres, including archival history, scripted kids, sports, and field-based science and exploration. Their Emmy Award-winning programs have been featured on major networks worldwide, such as Disney, National Geographic, ESPN, and TLC, captivating audiences with their exceptional storytelling and factual content.
As passionate storytellers and craftsmen, SRP pushes boundaries by delving into the depths of the oceans, venturing beyond Earth's atmosphere, and envisioning the future. Their dedication to expanding horizons and sparking imaginations is evident in their outstanding educational series like "Weird But True," their exploration of outer space in "Xploration," and their thought-provoking series "Xploration Earth 2050." With a commitment to excellence and a track record of success, Steve Rotfeld Productions Inc continues to captivate viewers with their exceptional content and is poised for even greater achievements in the future.
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