The Secret Cinema is a renowned floating repertory cinema series based in Philadelphia, PA, that has been operating since 1992. They specialize in showcasing unique and diverse film programs, ranging from educational and industrial films to cult classics, rare television, local history, and politically incorrect material. With a commitment to preserving the authenticity of film, all screenings are presented in 16mm or larger film format on a giant screen, never using video or digital projection.
Aside from their regular programming in Philadelphia, the Secret Cinema has also brought their curated film experiences to other cities and countries. They aim to explore uncharted genres and delve into the overlooked gems of cinema, drawing from their extensive private film archive as well as other collections. Their upcoming event, "Top Secret 2024 Films You Weren't Supposed to See," will feature a selection of short films originally intended for private audiences, offering a glimpse into the hidden narratives of mid-century America.
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