Rodef Shalom Congregation has a long tradition of national and local leadership in the Reform Jewish movement. Even from our earliest days we've been at the head of the progressive social ideals upon which liberal religious thought, civic life and healthy communities are built. Following in the footsteps of rabbinic giants (Rabbis J. Leonard Levy, Samuel Goldensohn, Solomon B. Freehof, and our Rabbi Emeritus and Senior Scholar Walter Jacob... all renowned scholars and teachers) our Congregation is recognized as a leader in interfaith co-operation and dialogue. Today, under the leadership of Rabbis Aaron Bisno and Sharyn Henry, Rodef Shalom remains on the forefront of partnered relationships with other faith communities, other Jewish and civic organizations, and we are leading our community in the inclusion of all people.
We are a Reform Jewish congregation dedicated to melding the traditions of our faith with contemporary life. Our community is known for engagement in social action, for inclusion and welcoming of ALL people, and for a dedication to lifelong learning. On site, Rodef Shalom operates a pre-school, religious school, rentable space, and events venue.