We have psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors and a Social Worker in two locations: 400 West Main Street, Ephrata and 222 South Main Street, Elizabethtown.
The effectiveness of counseling and psychotherapy is to the level of the therapist/counselor understanding of the person of client. Therefore, all possible resources will be utilized to learn to know the client's personality distinctive and to understand the nature of the client's problems and needs. It is important for each client to reveal as much as they feel to comfortable in revealing about themselves to make satisfactory progress with their established treatment goals. There are four associates That provide services at New Life - John Pugh PhD, John Waller MA, Kim Walheim MA, & Laurie Ellsoos MA. at 3 locations - Ephrata, Elizabethtown, and Lancaster. Receive high-quality professional services, from New Life Psychological Services based in Denver, PA with offices in Lancaster, Ephrata, and Elizabethtown. Our staff is prepared professionally to do counseling, psychotherapy, and psychological evaluations involving clinical personality and ability testing...