Parent Company, Lancaster Archery Supply, Inc. was founded in 1983 by Rob Kaufhold, a lifelong target archer and bowhunter who is passionate about promoting archery as a sport. Lancaster Archery Supply has grown to over 80 employees working diligently to expand opportunities for archers across the globe. Lancaster Archery Supply has the largest selection of archery equipment in the world in stock from over 900 manufacturers. Lancaster Archery Academy's mission goes to the very heart of what Lancaster Archery's values and goals are as a company of archers serving our fellow archers. Heather and Holly along with our other instructors and coaches do a fantastic job of helping archers improve their technique and shooting form while making it fun for everyone.
Lancaster Archery Academy provides friendly expert archery instruction and coaching for beginner to elite archers. Coordinator, Heather Pfeil and Head Coach, Holly Stover are both former Olympic Training Center Resident Athletes who have competed across the world. Whether you are looking for