In November 1995, leaders from several discipleship and mission training programs met for a day of prayer and fasting. Drawn together by a common mission, each also shared a common desire: to respond to the need expressed by clusters of churches worldwide to provide discipleship-mission training for their own young people. As the Holy Spirit moved, these leaders began to see that the barriers separating them and their ministries from each other had fostered competition and pride instead of collaboration. Through confession, brokenness and prayer, God birthed Global Disciples and the initial training model now known as Global Disciple Training (GDT). Since then, Global Disciples has added training for trainers in small business development (SBD) and leadership development (LEAD).
We partner with local churches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to fulfill their vision and passion to reach least-reached people, right on their doorstep. As Global Disciples, we simply provide a workable, reproducible, and sustainable model to train and send out those who will make disciples, plant churches, and give spiritual leadership.