Do you have a home in Palmerton, or any of the nearby areas, and you have been thinking of replacing those old shag carpet floors in your home with some nice, smooth and cool hardwood floors? What you need is a top tier hardwood floor installation service that serves Palmerton area. What you need, is to Get Floored. Welcome to Get Floored By Mark Henning, your number one premium brand in flooring in the area, and one of the leading flooring services around. We would love to get you all squared away with a brand new hardwood floor installation, and the best part is; we can do it for a price that won't make your bank account want to un-list its phone number and block your email. Have you ever just walked around on some brand new hardwood floors? It just feels all kinds of great, and we love to be able to provide our clients with that great feeling. So don't leave anything to chance by hiring a sub par or inexperienced flooring contractor, get Get Floored By Mark Henning on the job and you can be sure it will get done the right way. Here at Get Floored By Mark Henning, we specialize in all sorts of various flooring related services, so that you can always get exactly what you need. We of course specialize in hardwood floor installation, hardwood sanding and hardwood refinishing. We also do laminate installation, tile installation and vinyl installation, because different clients are going to want different services for different rooms...