Frankie's Friends Cat Rescue is a dedicated organization in New Kensington, PA, committed to ending animal suffering, with a particular focus on cats. They provide affordable veterinary services, including spay/neuter and vaccinations, for local rescues and shelters, as well as offering medical rescue for sick or injured cats, rehabilitating them and finding them loving homes. Additionally, they specialize in high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter training, veterinary forensics, community cat advocacy, and humane research to further their mission of creating a better world for all animals.
As a non-shelter organization, Frankie's Friends Cat Rescue aims to keep cats out of shelters and in their homes through accessible veterinary care and community safety nets. They work tirelessly to educate the public, assist municipalities, and advocate for community cat management, while also conducting research on infectious diseases and shelter medicine to discover new ways to help animals. With their unwavering dedication and commitment, Frankie's Friends Cat Rescue is making a significant impact in the lives of cats and the community as a whole.
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