Shay created Financial Wellness with Shay Port because she saw a great need in the general community for personal financial coaching. Unfortunately, there is generally no education in schools on how to manage one's personal finances. Consequently, people are unsure how to budget or how to save, leading them to live with large debts that they find difficult to recover from. Shay's process seeks to address not only the skills needed to understand and manage one's personal finances, but also the issues that arise in dealing with one's finances. Sometimes, nothing short of a personal transformation will help! Shay is able to gently guide you to an understanding of what these issues are and then gives you a step-by-step approach to getting all of your finances in order once and for all. Shay works on a sliding scale, so all who need this help can get it!
Financial Wellness With Shay Port offers affordable financial coaching and tax preparation for individuals, freelancers and small businesses. Specialties include: o Debt Management o Credit score improvement o Spending plans o Savings plans o Investment plans o Tax Preparation o Student loan debt assistance Whether you are looking for coaching to help guide you to financial abundance and success, counseling to help you resolve immediate financial issues or literacy to help you understand how financial systems work, Financial Wellness with Shay Port is here for you. For a limited time: Receive 1 hour of FREE financial coaching when you have your taxes prepared. Call now to set up your appointment. Empower Yourself