Eternal Life Cremation Services provides safe and humane disposition of your pet after its passing. Your pet was a member of your family and you care what happens to them now. The loss of a beloved family pet is always an emotional and difficult experience. What consideration should you show your pets remains?Just as you care about your pets health and comfort today, you are concerned with the safe and humane disposition of the pet after its passing. We anticipate your concern by offering crematory services to answer this need. Humane and safe, cremation is the accepted manner of disposition.Some of our clients feel that cremation simplifies the burial of their pet, some enjoy the portability that cremation allows by selecting custom urns to keep in their homes or offices, and still others plan to have their pet placed with them when the time comes. Whatever your particular needs, our goal is to provide dignified, caring service for your pet.We at Eternal Life Cremation Services started our pet cremation business in June of 2008. We are a pet caring and loving family and we started this business because we heard so many painful stories from pet owners who had their pets cremated. Many waited weeks, months, and in some cases, a whole year to receive their cremated remains. In the end, they didnt even know for sure whether the remains were actually from their pets.Here at Eternal Life Cremation, we specialize in private cremations of all pets up to 250 pounds. Only pet owners know how painful and stressful it can be when a pet passes. There is no quick way to make the pain and sorrow of losing a pet go away. We are a pet-loving and caring family and you can be assured that your pet will be treated with dignity and respect as if it were our own.It is our mission to help you with some important decisions with a spirit of deep respect at a time which may be difficult. You or your trusted veterinarian can assist in making arrangements for you with Eternal Life Cremations, helping make a difficult time easier.