I have a BS in Atomic Scale Material Engineering from Millersville University and PSU. I worked at a great company as a CVD engineer. I basically used a very expensive and impressive piece of machinery to grow silicon nanowires. These nanowires were specifically doped, according to that of a large scale solar cell, during the growth period. The idea was for the military to somehow connect and weave all of these nanometer sized wires into a tent that would essentially be a solar cell to produce energy for the troops so that they could run AC, charge their electronics, or anything else they need electricity for. Very neat stuff! But I want to help as many people as possible by helping them to become independent from fossil fuels as much as possible, and to lower their energy bills to where they are happy with it.
Material Science, Energy Efficiency, Alternative Energy, Solar Power, Wind Power, Geothermal Power, Hydroelectric power, Carpentry, Construction, Eco-Landscaping, Lighting, Windows and Doors, Roofing, Insulation, Electrical, Water damage, and most importantly Saving You Money on Your Energy Bill.