CrossFit King of Prussia is NOT your average health club or globo-gym. We do not pride ourselves on taking your money and hoping you never show up. As an officially licensed CrossFit affiliate, we want you here. We take pride in seeing you get results. There are no fancy big machines, no shiny dumbbells, and classes aren't choreographed to music. Rather than training specific muscles or cardio, we train for better movement. You will first learn mechanics, movements, function and form; from there we will up the intensity & weight- you will see results...no matter what level you come in at! CrossFit is not easy and doesn't claim to be. It is hard work and it requires perseverance, determination and consistency. The overall program is simplistic in design and optimizes physical competence in each one of the ten recognized fitness domains- Cardiovascular and Respiratory endurance, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy.