In 1971 the pastor's (Sean Busa) uncle died of a heroin overdose in Moon Township, PA. After going through similar struggles that killed his uncle, Sean went through a Christian recovery home successfully in 1991 and stayed on to direct the recovery home that he graduated from. After being trained in helping people through the process of recovery, Sean went to bible college, got married to Rebecca, had kids, and served many years as a worship pastor/associate pastor in several ministries in Northern California. In 2007, Sean and Rebecca Busa felt God leading them to plant a new church in Moon Township, PA, where Pastor Sean grew up and went to primary school. After much prayer, counsel, and research, a tentative plan was put in motion to step out into God's direction. We joined the CityReach Network in January of 2014. We officially started our new church and House On A Hill Recovery Home in March 2015 with 5 open beds.
Reaching hurting people with the Love of Jesus Christ. We have weekly meetings dealing with addiction: Overcome (Weight Loss Accountability) Celebrate Recovery (Drug & Alcohol support group) Free Recovery Homes for men and Women Good Music! (We have a rockin' music team)