Cash in My Bag is a luxury consignment store located in Upper Darby Twp, PA. They specialize in buying and selling a wide range of designer items, including handbags, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and apparel from top brands such as Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and more. With a passion for luxury fashion, Cash in My Bag offers customers the opportunity to sell their gently used or new designer items for instant cash, while also providing a curated selection of discounted luxury items for shoppers to enjoy.
At Cash in My Bag, customers can expect to find a variety of designer pieces at up to 90% off retail prices. With a focus on authenticity and quality, they offer free shipping and insured UPS partner services to ensure a seamless shopping experience. Whether you're looking to sell your luxury items or shop for new additions to your wardrobe, Cash in My Bag provides a trusted platform for luxury fashion enthusiasts to buy, sell, and enjoy their favorite designer brands.
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