Bethany Hospice was founded by Diane Mead - RN, BSN to provide the highest level of care to its patients. Bethany is a dedicated team of diverse individuals who are all committed to upholding the principles of hospice as outlined in our mission: To guide all those who have been touched in some way by a life limiting illness, offering a comprehensive approach to comfort care, and ensuring a dignified quality of life. Through our history, we have developed principles that guide our work towards fulfilling this mission: Team Bill of Rights All members of the Bethany Hospice Team are committed to the following standards of excellence: * Respect * Honesty * Integrity * Communication * Understanding * Cooperation * Professionalism * Competence * Accountability * Unconditional Positive Regard * Celebration
Hospice is a medical and philosophical concept of care for those who have life limiting illnesses. When a cure is no longer possible, or aggressive treatment no longer desired, Bethany Hospice will help the patient and their family attain the highest possible quality of life. Bethany can provide hospice care wherever the patient resides, whether it is a personal residence, nursing home or assisted living facility. Our service area includes Allegheny County and the surrounding counties - Beaver, Butler, Washington, and Westmoreland counties. The interdisciplinary hospice team, with input from the patient and families, develops a personalized plan of care to meet the needs of each individual patient and family. Some of these items may include: medications, medical equipment and supplies, home health aides, nursing, counseling, spiritual support, volunteer services, bereavement support, and 24-hour on call assistance.