The Angel Academy of Art, located in the heart of Florence, Italy, is a prestigious institution that is redefining Realism for the 21st century. Founded by Michael John Angel, a renowned figurative painter and successful teacher, the academy offers a unique learning experience that follows the disciplines and principles of the Great Masters. With a range of programmes, including a three-year diploma programme, a four-week intensive course, and spring/summer workshops, the academy caters to students of all skill levels and goals, providing them with the experience and skills needed to succeed in the world of drawing and painting.
Through over 45 years of research and experimentation, the Angel Academy of Art has developed a curriculum and techniques that mirror the teaching methods of the Old Masters. With more than 60 alumni who have gone on to become professional artists, the academy's mission is to provide students with the opportunity to learn as the Great Masters did, offering a full range of courses that cover the instrumental techniques of Realism. No portfolio or previous experience is required, making the academy accessible to all who have a passion for art.
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