The American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS) is a prestigious organization based in Philadelphia, PA, dedicated to advancing science and public policy by applying research to address critical social issues. Their bimonthly journal, The Annals, serves as a platform for scholarly research and analysis, with a recent volume focusing on the importance of a comprehensive system of public investment in children. The AAPSS also recognizes outstanding contributions in the field through the Moynihan Prize and elects Fellows who have made significant contributions to social science research.
With a rich history and a distinguished Board of Directors, the AAPSS brings together experts from various academic disciplines to tackle pressing societal challenges. Their work extends beyond academia, as they actively engage with policymakers, organize events, and disseminate research findings through press releases and social media. By fostering collaboration and promoting evidence-based solutions, the AAPSS plays a crucial role in shaping public policy and improving the well-being of individuals and communities.
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