Valley Community Presbyterian Church has served the Raleigh Hills neighborhood of Southwest Portland and Beaverton since 1942.
Valley Community Presbyterian Church is the people of God in one place and one time. We are called by God to gather, in the name of Christ, and we have responded to that call with a commitment to active membership in this body, this community of Christians. We are called, and we have committed: to worship God regularly in this place, in hearing the word, in prayer, in sacrament and sacred music. We are called, and we have committed: to care for each other, individually, in large groups and small; to form a community in the midst of a rushing world. We are called, and we have committed: to care for our children and youth, not only telling them of the love of God but also showing them. We are called, and we have committed: to continue to learn and to grow, to discuss, to wrestle with the challenges of applying our faith to our place and time. We are called, and we have committed: to serve God by serving others, with soup kettles and hammers, with hands of hope and ears of understanding. We are called, and we have committed: to hear and proclaim God's vision of a kingdom of peace and justice. We are called, and we have committed: to throw open our doors, to invite in and welcome all our neighbors. We are called, and we have committed: to be the body of Christ in this place and time.