Summit Wushu Academy, founded by brothers Phillip and Peter Dang, is a renowned martial arts school in Clackamas, OR. With their extensive experience and representation on the United States National Wushu Team, the academy has produced award-winning students in national and international competitions. Led by Sifu Peter, the academy aims to spread the art and joy of Wushu through their group classes, catering to children as young as 4 years old and adults of all levels.
Wushu, also known as Kungfu, is a dynamic Chinese martial art that combines speed, power, flexibility, grace, and precision. As a rising international competitive sport, Wushu has gained popularity and recognition, even making its debut at the Youth Olympics in 2022. With notable practitioners like Jet Li and Donnie Yen, and appearances in popular films such as Kung Fu Panda and The Matrix, Wushu continues to captivate enthusiasts worldwide. Summit Wushu Academy also offers private lessons and Wushu performances for those seeking a more personalized experience.
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