Salmon-Safe is a renowned organization based in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to preserving and restoring the water quality of rivers in the West Coast. Through their rigorous third-party verified certification, they collaborate with farmers, developers, and environmentally innovative landowners to reduce watershed impacts and ensure the thriving habitat of native salmon. With over 500 certified farms and 350 vineyards following their water quality and habitat conservation practices, Salmon-Safe is making a significant difference in the restoration of West Coast rivers.
As a market leader in sustainable practices, Salmon-Safe encourages consumers to look for their logo when purchasing wine, beer, and food products, thereby contributing to the restoration efforts of West Coast rivers and the preservation of native salmon. Additionally, Salmon-Safe sets standards for design, construction, and ongoing site operations, enabling developers and landowners to play a crucial role in restoring urban watersheds. With their commitment to market-based conservation, Salmon-Safe continues to make a positive impact on the health and sustainability of West Coast watersheds.
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